KVPS' career enhancing online Zoom™ Video Audition class "Capture The Callbackâ„ " returns.
This is your forum to more consistently deepen the dive into self and story, magnify your strengths, build confidence, and increase your callback success.
Each week you’ll fill in a brief online audition-related questionnaire and upload your
16-bar audition cut with track or your thirty second monologue in preparation for that week’s class. I’ll review your answers and video submissions and include feedback. We'll further discuss your feedback in class and we’ll work and run your cut multiple times for upcoming auditions. We’ll review what works and what needs work in order to increase your callback ratio.
• Tweak and transform your video process and product
• Develop greater command of your video story telling technique to enhance industry response and boost your callback ratio
• Amplify and magnify what you accomplish in our musical performance audition technique classes
• Ensure all students receive feedback and solutions to achieve short range career goals
CTC Class Schedules
These classes will be held online via Zoom™ and will be offered in 4-week cycles
and will include both audition song cuts as well as audition monologue cuts.
This class is limited to four students.
Stay tuned for the next cycle!
Each class is $70.
The full fee of $280 is payable in two installments of $140 each. (Payment dates TBD) Make one payment of $240 and save $40.
Your participation in CAPTURE THE CALLBACKâ„ will produce added benefit and breakthroughs that will help you more consistently and confidently capture the callback. To your success!